PRP Microneedling FAQ's
PRP Microneedling, often called Vampire Facial is a type of PRP Facial procedure used on a face. It can be used to treat: facial fine and deep wrinkles, eye bags and dark eye circles, nasolabial folds, loose and saggy skin, scars and acne marks, crepey hand skin, stretch marks, hair loss.
Here are the Top 8 Questions and Answers about Vampire Facial.
What is Vampire Facial?
Vampire Facial is a type of PRP Facial (Platelets-Rich Plasma facial) procedure used on a face. PRP-Platelet Rich Plasma is a type of blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets by spinning blood in a centrifuge and concentrating autologous platelets. PRP contains various growth factors and cytokines that can stimulate the healing process of bone and soft tissue by releasing them through degranulation.
How is PRP obtained?
To obtain Platelet Rich Plasma, a safe blood draw is performed, and a special centrifugation process is carried out using a phase separator device. This device separates the various components of the blood, concentrating the platelets in a layer known as the Buffy coat. However, properly separating the elements of the Buffy coat from the rest of the blood can be challenging. Therefore, the separation method used plays a crucial role in the actual concentration of the platelets in PRP.
not all PRP separation processes are the same
It is essential to note that not all Platelet Rich Plasma separation processes are the same. Our method utilizes a patented and sophisticated technique that enables us to isolate the Concentrated Growth Factors (CGF) and Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells (CD34+) directly from the rest of the blood with precision and maximum concentration. By achieving a higher concentration of these components in the PRP, we can stimulate more significant cellular regeneration, resulting in the best possible final outcomes.
What are Vampire's Facial benefits?
Vampire Facial has been shown to be effective in the treatment of various conditions, including: facial deep and fine wrinkles, eye bags and dark circles, nasolabial folds, loose and saggy skin, scars and acne marks, crepey hand skin, stretch marks, hair loss.
It is worth noting that the effectiveness of PRP treatment may vary depending on individual factors, and not all patients may experience the same results.
Is Vampire facial safe?
One of the significant advantages of PRP treatment is its safety. Since PRP is extracted from the patient's blood, it is considered an autologous procedure, which eliminates the risk of rejection or allergic reactions.
The only potential risk associated with PRP is the possibility of contamination during the extraction and preparation process. However, we use a closed extraction system that minimizes open-air transfer containers, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring a safe procedure for our patients.
How soon will results be visible?
It is essential to note that individual results may vary, but on average, around 80% of visible results can be seen within 2-3 weeks of receiving PRP treatment. However, for optimal results, it may take an average of 6-8 weeks to see the full effects of PRP treatment, except for hair loss treatment, which may take around 4-6 months. It is important to keep in mind that the timeline for results may differ for each patient and depend on several factors, such as the severity of the condition being treated and the patient's overall health.
How long do results last?
The duration of PRP results may vary for each patient, but on average, they can last for up to one year. After this time, the effects may gradually decrease, which is why we recommend at least one PRP treatment per year to maintain the results. For optimal results, we suggest that patients undergo two to four PRP treatments per year.
The frequency of PRP treatments may depend on individual factors, such as the patient's age, the condition being treated, and the desired results. Your healthcare provider can help determine the best treatment plan for you based on your unique needs and goals.
Who should not get PRP / Vampire Facial?
It is essential to note that PRP treatment may not be suitable for everyone. It is advised that individuals with certain medical conditions avoid PRP/Vampire Facial treatment, including:
Cancer or metastatic disease, especially hematopoietic or bone cancer
Platelet dysfunction syndrome
Low platelet count
Critical thrombocytopenia
Patients with septicemia
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
These conditions may increase the risk of complications associated with PRP treatment. It is crucial to inform your healthcare provider of any underlying medical conditions before undergoing PRP treatment to ensure your safety and well-being. Your healthcare provider can determine if PRP treatment is suitable for you based on your medical history and current health status.
For Vampire Facial services please contact
our Vampire Facial specialists.
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